



  1. VLOOKUP需要輸入四個數值來運行,第一個 數值是"以那裡作根據",以例子為例即"E2"  
  2. VLOOKUP 第二個 數值是"在那裡找資料",以例子為例即"A2:B11"
  3. VLOOKUP 第三個 數值是"資料在第幾排",以例子為例即"2"
  4. VLOOKUP 第四個 數值是"資料要相似? 或完全相同?"

    • FALSE表示要找完全相同

    • TRUE表示找相似的即可




Every time opens "My Computer" in XP, there will be a small flashlight in the search, probably  tens of seconds in order to see the C, D, E, and other disk.


  1. Open the regedit.
  2. Go to location HLM >  SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion> Explorer > My Computer > NameSpace > DelegateFolders
  3. Delete the default key : 
    • {59031a47-3f72-44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee}
    • {640167b4-59b0-47a6-b335-a6b3c0695aea}
    • {E211B736-43FD-11D1-9EFB-0000F8757FCD}

Outlook SecureTemp Files Folder

Have you tried cannot open a attachment in Outlook?

There may be occurs by too many same file name in SecureTemp folder.
Outlook will automatic save a copy in SecureTemp folder when you open the attachment.   
When you try to open the attachment with same name in Outlook, Outlook will create a copy in SecureTemp folder and add the number behind the file name (e.g. abc (1).doc, abc (2).doc....).

If there a more than 100 same file name (e.g. abc (100).doc), you will not able to open in outlook,
so you have to find out the SecureTemp folder location and delete the file.

Find SecureTemp

At start menu, Run, type regedit to open the registry editor.
Browse to this key:
OutlookSecureTempFolder value

(Change xx to reflect the version number of Outlook. 14.0 = Outlook 2010; 12.0 = Outlook 2007; 11.0 = Outlook 2003 and 1.0 = Outlook 2002.)

Double click on OutlookSecureTempFolder to open the value then copy the path. Paste it  into the address bar of Windows Explorer to open the folder.

This folder is normally hidden by the file system.

Ref: http://www.slipstick.com/outlook/securetemp.htm

Can't see Security tab for a floder in XP

Can't see Security tab for a folder in XP?

If the security tab isn't visible on any of your folder properties in XP, you may have "Use Simple File Sharing" selected in your Folder Options.
Open Explorer and go to Tools>Folder Options.
Click the "View" tab and scroll to the bottom of the listbox with the heading "Advanced Settings".
Clear the "Use Simple File Sharing" checkbox.

Cisco Command

近期因為要設定Cisco 2950 Switch,所以把指令重温一遍,以下係小小的總結:

Switch(config)#hostname 主機名稱
Switch(config)#enable password level 1 密碼    //密碼最少4個字元,最多8個字元,level1-15
Switch(config)#enable secret 密碼                     //加密模式密碼,如有設定,會蓋過enable密碼 
Switch(config)#line console 0
Switch(config-line)#password 密碼  
Switch(config-line)#exec-timeout 0                   //閒置登出
Switch(config-line)#logging synchronous          //訊息同步
=====================telnet(vty) 密碼=============================
Switch(config)#line vty 0 15                           // 0-15 共有16vty線路
Switch(config-line)#password 密碼
Switch(config)#int FastEthernet0/12
Switch(config-if)#description 介面描述        //sh int sh run int 內可看到
Switch(config-if)#duplex auto                   //設定雙工模式,預設auto
Switch(config-if)#speed auto                    //設定速度,預設auto
Switch#sh running-config
interface FastEthernet0/12
 description 介面描述
Switch(config)# int 介面                             //介面為e0,S1/0,fa0/15,atm2/3.14,...
Switch(config-if)#no shutdown                 //啟動介面
Switch(config-if)#^z                                 //ctrl+Z 表示快速寫入config
5.ip 設定
Switch(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(config-if)#ip address  //設定ipSubnet Mask
Switch(config-if)#no shutdown
Switch(config-if)#ip default-gateway            //跨網段管理
Switch#configure terminal
Switch(config)#ip domain-name example.com
Switch(config)#crypto key generate rsa
Switch(config)#username netadmin password netadmin
Switch(config)#ip ssh version 2
Switch(config)#line vty 0 15
Switch(config-line)#login local
Switch(config-line)#transport input ssh telnet
1.Port security 只針對Access modePort設定
2.enable port security
3.(Optional)設定最大MAC數量,預設 1 show不會顯示,Cisco設備預設值通常不顯示
4.違規時switch的動作violation{shutdown預設 | restrict | protect}
5.1~4只防阻MAC Flooding攻擊,每一個port只能有1MAC通過,但還不能防止非法MAC接到設備上,把合法
    MAC寫到table,只要MAC有錯port就會 shutdown
Switch#show mac-address-table                              //Switch上查看MAC-Address-Table
Switch(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/18              //指定介面
Switch(config-if)#switchport mode access                //Port改成Access Mode
Switch(config-if)#switchport port-security                //啟用Port Security
Switch(config-if)#switchport port-security maximum 1  //設定最大的MAC數量
Switch(config-if)#switchport port-security mac-address sticky
Switch(config-if)#switchport port-security violation shutdown  //預設,處理err-disabled
Switch(config-if)#switchport port-security violation restrict          //合法MAC接回就會通
Switch(config-if)#do sh port-security                //檢查有哪些Port啟用Port-security
Switch(config-if)#do sh port-security address  //檢查有哪些Portsticky或手動輸入MAC Address
Switch(config-if)#do sh port-security interface fa 0/18 //檢查Fa0/18Port-security的詳細設定
Switch(config-if)#do sh int fa 0/18                   //檢查Fa0/18的介面狀態(注意err-disabled)
=======================range 多個Port設定=============================
Switch(config)#interface range fastEthernet 0/4 - 7 , fastEthernet 0/9 - 15
Switch(config-if-range)#switchport mode accesss      
Switch#sh int fa 0/18
FastEthernet0/18 is down, line protocol is down (err-disabled)
Switch#sh run | begin FastEthernet0/18
interface FastEthernet0/18
 switchport mode access
 switchport port-security
 switchport port-security mac-address sticky
 switchport port-security mac-address sticky 0020.E22D.9B05  //此行為出問題的MAC address
Switch#conf t
Switch(config)#int fa 0/18
Switch(config-if)#no switchport port-security mac-address sticky 0020.E22D.9B05
Switch(config-if)#do sh int fa 0/18
FastEthernet0/18 is down, line protocol is down (err-disabled)
Switch(config-if)#no shutdown
Switch#sh interfaces status    //檢查所有界面的狀態
Switch(config)#no ip domain-lookup
Switch#sh flash
Switch#copy flash tftp
Switch#copy running-config startup-config                   //設定寫入NVRAM(組態檔)
Switch#copy startup-config tftp
Switch#erase startup-config                                         //刪除啟動組態檔
Switch#delete vlan.dat
Switch#delete nvram                                                    //刪除啟動組態檔
Switch#sh cdp neighbors  (Device ID =>ro)
Switch#sh cdp entry router
Switch(config)#int fa 0/5
Switch(config-if)#no cdp enable
lab2(config)#no cdp run

Windows Deployment Services

Windows Deployment Services enables you to deploy Windows operating systems. You can use it to set up new computers by using a network-based installation. This means that you do not have to install each operating system directly from a CD or DVD.

WDS features includes:

  • Ability to deploy Windows Win7 and Windows Server 2008. 
  • Windows PE is the boot operating system.
  • Image-based installation, using Windows image (.wim) files.
  • An extensible and higher-performing PXE server component.
  • A new boot menu format for selecting boot operating systems.
  • A new graphical user interface on the client computer that you use to select images.
  • The Windows Deployment Services Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in and the WDSUTIL command-line tool, which enable you to configure and manage Windows Deployment Services.

The Requirement of WDS

  1. Active Directory
  2. DHCP
  3. DNS
  4. Credentials
  5. Windows Server 2003 SP1 or Later

Windows Automated Installation Kit

The Windows Automated Installation Kit (Windows AIK) is a set of tools and documentation that support the configuration and deployment of Windows® operating systems. By using Windows AIK, you can automate Windows installations, capture Windows images with ImageX, configure and modify images using Deployment Imaging Servicing and Management (DISM), create Windows PE images, and migrate user profiles and data with the User State Migration Tool (USMT). Windows AIK also includes the Volume Activation Management Tool (VAMT), which enables IT professionals to automate and centrally manage the volume activation process using a Multiple Activation Key (MAK).

70-646 考試題目 2

Q 1.

Your network contains a single Active Directory site. You have a server named Server1 that runs Windows Server 2008. Server1 is a DHCP server for the network.

You need to plan the automated deployment of operating systems. Your plan must meet the following requirements:

Support Windows Vista deployments

Support Windows Server 2008 deployments

Support computers that start from a Pre-boot Execution Environment (PXE) network adapter

Minimize the number of servers installed

What should you include in your plan?

A. Deploy Windows Automated Installation Kit (WAIK) on Server1.

B. Deploy Windows Automated Installation Kit (WAIK) on a new server.

C. Deploy the Windows Deployment Services (WDS) server role on Server1.

D. Deploy the Windows Deployment Services (WDS) server role on a new server.

Volume Activation Models

Volume Activation Models

Volume Activation allows volume license customers to automate the activation process so that it is transparent to users. Volume Activation applies to computers that are covered under a Volume Licensing program. It is used strictly as a tool for activation, and it is not tied to license invoicing or billing.

Volume Activation provides two models for completing volume activations: Key Management Service (KMS) and Multiple Activation Key (MAK). KMS allows organizations to activate systems within their network, and MAK activates systems on a one-time basis by using the hosted activation services provided by Microsoft. Customers can use either or both key types to activate systems in their environments.

Failover Cluster And Network Load Balancing

Failover Cluster

A failover cluster is a group of independent servers that are running Windows Server 2008 and working together to increase the availability of services and applications. When a failure occurs on one computer in a cluster, resources are redirected and the workload is redistributed to another computer in the cluster. You can use failover clusters to ensure that users have nearly constant access to important server-based resources.

Hardware and software considerations for failover clusters

Network Load Balancing

Network Load Balancing provides scalability and high availability to enterprise-wide TCP/IP services, such as Web, Terminal Services, proxy, Virtual Private Networking (VPN), and streaming media services. Network Load Balancing brings special value to enterprises deploying TCP/IP services, such as e-commerce applications, that link clients with transaction applications and back-end databases.

Choosing cluster technology in different usage:

Failover clusters are designed for applications that have long-running in-memory state, or that have large, frequently updated data states. These are called stateful applications, and they include database applications and messaging applications. Typical uses for failover clusters include file servers, print servers, database servers, and messaging servers. 

Network Load Balancing is intended for applications that do not have long-running in-memory state. These are called stateless applications. A stateless application treats each client request as an independent operation, and therefore it can load-balance each request independently. Stateless applications often have read-only data or data that changes infrequently. Front-end Web servers, virtual private networks (VPNs), File Transfer Protocol (FTP) servers, and firewall and proxy servers typically use Network Load Balancing. Network Load Balancing clusters can also support other TCP- or UDP-based services and applications

70-646 考試題目 1

Q 1.

Your network contains three servers that run Windows 2000 Server. Each server has a custom application installed. The applications:

Are incompatible with each other
Are incompatible with Windows Server 2008
Consume less than 10 percent of the system resources

A company policy states that all new physical servers must run Windows Server 2008.

You need to plan the migration of the applications to new Windows Server 2008 servers. You want to achieve this goal while minimizing hardware costs.

What actions should you include in your plan?

A. Deploy three new servers that run Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition. Configure Windows 2000 compatibility mode for each application.

B. Deploy one new server that runs Windows Server 2008 Datacenter Edition. Install the Desktop Experience feature.

C. Deploy one new server that runs Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition. Install the Windows System Resource Manager (WSRM) feature on the new server.

D. Deploy one new server that runs Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition. Install the Hyper-V feature on the new server. Create three child virtual machines.

Microsoft SharePoint

簡單來說,SharePoint 是一個Web Base的軟件,用者可以透過網站,與他人共用資訊、控管從頭到尾的文件處理流程,以及發佈報告。

Share Point 需要 .Net Framwork + IIS + SQL Server 運行


SharePoint十分令人迷惑的一點是有兩個可獲得的版本:Windows SharePoint Services(WSS)3.0和微軟Office SharePoint Server(MOSS)2007。下面列出了兩個版本都提供的內容:
WSS:這是一個所謂的免費版,因為沒有額外的授權許可問題。它包含了Windows Server2003操作系統(2.0版)。當前的3.0版可以通過下載獲得。該版本提供了核心文檔管理、協作和搜索功能,包括博客、wikis、RSS反饋、電子郵件支持和Office 2003/2007集成。 WSS可以滿足小型組織和部門的需要。

MOSS:是建立在WSS之上的服務器產品。除了WSS的核心功能外,它增加了企業級搜索和用戶級搜索功能,以及一個容量沒有限制的文檔倉庫、個人網站、額外的Web部分、工作流、內容企業聯合組織等更多內容。 MOSS面向存儲文檔超過500000的組織,通常這些組織擁有一些大型的企業客戶。

在Window 7中停止IE9自動更新

微軟去年底預告將啟動IE自動升級計劃,以替換老舊的IE版本。本次包含 Windows XP 的 IE6 / IE7 將會自動升級為 IE8 , Windows Vista / Windows 7 的  IE8  也將會升級為 IE9。只要使用者電腦的 Windows Update 設定為自動更新,就會進行靜默升級。


如果不想進行靜默升級,可以透過更改「Windows Update」的設定來達成。 

以下示範如何停止Window 7 IE 9 的更新:

開始(Start) > "windows update"

按 "Windows Update"

按 "important updates are available"